Acceptable Use Policy

Pearson has adopted this Acceptable Use Policy (“AUP”), which governs your use of all Pearson Services.

Pearson’s online terms of use, including but not limited to Pearson’s Universal Terms of Service and End User License Agreement (“UTOS”) incorporate this AUP by reference and, as such, this AUP forms part of Pearson's agreement with you. Any violation of this AUP is therefore also a breach of any agreement referencing this AUP. If you have any questions about this AUP, please contact us at Pearson Support.

  1. What we mean by the “Services”

    By “Services,” we mean Pearson’s websites, apps, digital products, and everything that powers them. While Pearson or its licensors own them, we want you to use and enjoy the Services according to these rules.

    This website and its related applications, products, services, technology, content, and other intellectual property (collectively the "Services") is owned or licensed by Pearson or its Licensors. All websites, course materials, e-books and other content provided through the Services (collectively, "Materials"), and any supporting software, applications, and systems (collectively "Applications") are the exclusive property of Pearson and/or its licensors. The Services may be delivered to you through the Internet via your browser or an app (mobile or otherwise) and may include enrollment ("Enrollment") in one or more online courses ("Course(s)") provided through the Services for use in connection with classes and programs offered by your school, employer, university, or other educational institution ("Institution"). While your User Account (as defined in the UTOS) for the Services may continue for an indefinite period of time during which you may enroll in other Courses, your access to those specific Courses provided through the Services is provided on a subscription basis for a limited period of time (each a "Subscription"). The Services may be provided directly by Pearson or accessed through a third-party integration with accounts managed by your Institution or an integrated third-party service provider ("Third-Party Service"). The Services may link to or provide options to access third-party websites or applications.

  2. Limited external use of the Materials is fine

    You may use portions of Materials available via the Services for your personal educational purposes, but don’t sell it or otherwise try to make money from it. Section 3 below lists specific things that you can NOT do with Materials. If you’re not sure, just ask us.

    You may, on an occasional basis, include insubstantial portions of the Materials in memoranda, reports, and presentations, but only to the extent that such use is: (1) for your personal educational purposes of a non-commercial nature; and (2) accompanied by appropriate copyright notices. If you wish to request permission to reproduce the Materials for any other reason, or if you have any questions about how to include any notices required under this Section, please refer to the information and contacts available at

    Please note that additional permissions may also be required from Pearson's licensors. Your use of any Materials, whether under "fair use" or by permission, must include all applicable copyright, trademark and other notices, and appropriate source attribution to Pearson and its licensors.

    Before using any Materials designated as "open," “OER,” or “available for public use,” you should verify the governing licensing restrictions associated with such Materials. No right to use "open," "OER," or "available for public use" Materials outside the Services is granted by Pearson.

  3. Prohibited uses of the Materials

    These are some specific things that you can NOT do with Materials available via the Services.

    Except as you may be expressly permitted by the UTOS, the applicable EULA, or this AUP, you may not use, modify, adapt, reformat, download, upload, post, reproduce, broadcast, publish, display, perform, transfer, or redistribute any Materials in any form, format, or media or by any means without obtaining the prior written authorization of Pearson and/or its licensors. You acknowledge that the dissemination of any assessment questions or answers contained in the Materials will materially diminish the value of the Services and is strictly forbidden. Without limiting this restriction, you acknowledge that the following "Prohibited Uses" shall not constitute "fair use" and are specifically prohibited under the terms of this AUP in the absence of written permission and that any such Prohibited Use constitutes a material breach of the terms of this AUP:

    • making the Materials available in print format in connection with "course packets" and/or library reserve materials or otherwise making the Materials available online outside of the Services, regardless of whether such use is related to the course for which the Services are provided;
    • making the Materials or Services available, by any means, to others (even members of your Institution) who are not Authorized Users (as defined in the UTOS) and/or in connection with courses or other activities for which the Services or Materials are not authorized for use;
    • publishing or otherwise disseminating outside of the Services solutions to questions or other assessment content contained in the Materials (whether generated by you, Pearson, or a third party); and
    • using or scraping the materials for the development of any software program, including, but not limited to, training any machine learning or artificial intelligence (AI) system;
    • caching or archiving the Materials (except for a public search engine’s use of spiders or crawlers only for creating search indices); and
    • reproducing or distributing outside the Services, by any means, any illustrations, charts, photographs, outlines, extensive text excerpts, chapters, or e-books included in the Materials.
  4. These uses of the Services are not acceptable

    Don’t do things to break, degrade, slow down, allow unauthorized access to, reduce security of, hack, or otherwise hurt the Services or the computer networks that provide them.

    You are expressly prohibited from any conduct that: (1) threatens the security, integrity, or availability of the Services; (2) provides or facilitates access to the Services by unauthorized users or services; and/or (3) results in prohibited duplication, transmission, or exposure of the Materials, Applications, or User Content (as defined below) associated with the Services. You shall not use the Services in violation of this AUP, any applicable local, state, national, or international law or regulation, and/or the academic rules or policies of your Institution. Nor shall you use the Services in a manner which threatens the security, stability, or integrity of the Services or networks connected to the Services ("Service Network"). Without limiting the foregoing, you acknowledge and agree that you will not take any action to:

    • frame or utilize framing techniques to enclose any part of the Services or Materials;
    • impersonate any person or entity, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity; including using another person's Account Credentials (including passwords) or making your User Account or Account Credentials (as defined in the UTOS) available for use by others;
    • use or attempt to use any "deep-link," "scraper," "robot," "bot," "spider," "data mining," "computer code," or any other automated software device, program, tool, algorithm, process or methodology or manual process having similar processes or functionality, to use, access, acquire, copy, scrape, collect or monitor any portion of the Services, any data or content found on or accessed through the Services, or any other Materials without the prior written consent of Pearson;
    • use Pearson content for the development of any software program, including, but not limited to, training any machine learning or artificial intelligence system;
    • cache or archive Pearson content (except for a public search engine’s use of spiders and crawlers only for creating search indices);
    • provide archived or cached data sets containing Pearson content to another person or entity;
    • introduce viruses, trojans, worms, logic bombs, or other material that is malicious or technologically harmful;
    • attack our websites via a denial-of-service attack or a distributed denial-of service attack (a breach of this provision would commit a criminal offense and we will report any such breach to the relevant law enforcement authorities and we will cooperate with those authorities by disclosing your identity to them, and in the event of such a breach, your right to use the Services will cease immediately);
    • violate any measure employed to limit or prevent access to the Services or Materials or otherwise obtain or attempt to obtain through any means any content, functionality, Materials or other information which has not been intentionally made available to you either by visible display on the Services or access through a visible link on the Services;
    • decompile, reverse engineer, or otherwise attempt to obtain the source code of the Services or Applications;
    • attempt, in any manner to gain unauthorized access to the Service Network, attempt to gain unauthorized access to our websites, the server on which our websites are stored or any server, computer or database connected to our Service Network, obtain the password, Account Credentials, or other security information from or of any other Authorized User, or otherwise violate the security of the Service Network or access encrypted codes;
    • interfere with or disrupt (or attempt to interfere with or disrupt) the proper working of the Services or Service Network, or violate any requirements, procedures, policies or regulations of the Service Network;
    • take or attempt any action that, in the sole and absolute discretion of Pearson, imposes or may impose an unreasonable or disproportionately large load or burden on the Service Network, disrupts the normal flow of data, or threatens the stability of the Services or Service Network; or
    • engage in any conduct which, in Pearson's sole and absolute discretion, diminishes the pedagogical or commercial value of the Services or Materials, infringes any proprietary rights in the Services, Materials, or Applications, or otherwise violates this AUP.
  5. You may upload only certain content to the Services, and anything you post to Pearson+ must comply with our Community Guidelines

    You must own (or have the appropriate rights to use) anything you upload to the Services, and your posts and uploads to Pearson+ must not violate our Community Guidelines.

    The Services may provide functionalities ("Social Features”) for Authorized Users to create, upload, or post questions, responses, comments, ideas, articles, information, data, text, multimedia content, chat conversations or logs, messages, and other materials or submissions ("User Content"). You may only post User Content that is your own original work or for which you have obtained the necessary rights or permissions for reproduction and public display through the Services, and which includes any applicable ownership or attribution notices. (Note: The fact that content is publicly available on the Internet does not mean that such content may be freely used without seeking prior permission from the owner.) You are solely responsible for User Content that you post on the Services and agree not to create, post, upload, or link to any Prohibited User Content (as defined below). Pearson does not pre-screen User Content and assumes no responsibility for User Content. The views and opinions expressed in any User Content do not necessarily reflect those of Pearson or its licensors. Pearson has the right (but not the obligation), in its sole discretion, to monitor, refuse to post or otherwise distribute, or remove any User Content for any reason and to terminate your access to the Services, or take other appropriate legal action, to prevent further posting or distribution of Prohibited User Content. If you discover any Prohibited User Content and would like to inform us, please contact us at

    By using any Social Features available within Pearson+, you further agree to comply with the terms of the Pearson+ Community Guidelines and acknowledge that violation may lead, in Pearson’s sole discretion, to deletion of your User Content and/or termination of your Subscription and access to the Services.

  6. You are prohibited from uploading this type of content

    Don’t upload pornographic, hateful, confidential, harmful, or other inappropriate content, and don’t use the Services to harass people, send spam, etc.

    You will, at all times, comply with all applicable local, state, federal, and foreign laws in using the Services. You agree that you will not (directly or through others) contribute, create, upload, post, link to, or otherwise cause the distribution of any content (“Prohibited User Content”), or use the Services in any manner, that:

    • is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortious, defamatory, indecent, offensive, vulgar, obscene, libelous, invasive of another's privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically, or otherwise objectionable, or in violation of the rules or policies of the Institution;
    • infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright, or other proprietary rights of any party or which you do not have a right to transmit under any law or under contractual or fiduciary relationship (such as inside information, proprietary and confidential information learned or disclosed as part of employment relationships or under nondisclosure agreements);
    • jeopardizes the security, availability, or integrity of the Services or causes harm to any user and his or her property through the use of malicious code or other contaminating or destructive devices;
    • transmits advertising material and/or any unsolicited or unauthorized promotional materials, junk mail, SPAM, chain letters, or any other form solicitation in violation of any applicable rules, regulations, or laws or otherwise interferes with the proper working of the Services or Service Network; or
    • otherwise violates the terms of this AUP.

Version: 2.0
Last Revised: December 15, 2023